Free-for-All (New Game Mode): It’s you versus everyone else in this chaotic free-for-all frenzy appearing for the first time in the Cross-Play Open Beta.Tournament Grounds (Team Deathmatch/FFA Map): Elite warriors of the Mason Order and the Agathian Knights fight for supremacy and adoration of the crowd.The Battle of Wardenglade (Team Deathmatch/FFA Map): The armies of the Mason Order and Agathian Knights meet in an evenly matched open field of battle.Push the siege towers, capture and hold the gatehouse, burn the tents, push the siege ramps, capture and hold the courtyard, and take down the heir to achieve victory. The Siege of Rudhelm (Team Objective Map): After weeks of siege, Agathian forces begin a final assault upon a Mason stronghold defended by the Mason heir.Destroy the barricade, push the convoy, capture and hold the gatehouse, and kill the Duke. The Battle of Darkforest (New Team Objective Map): Agathian forces lie in wait, ready to ambush the Mason army that marches forth to kill the Duke of Fogbern Keep.Burn the village, breach the gate, steal the gold, and kill the soldiers. The Slaughter of Coxwell (New Team Objective Map): The Mason Order seeks to make a brutal example of the peaceful village of Coxwell after it declared support for Argon II.

If you missed out on the medieval mayhem, fear not! Torn Banner and Tripwire Presents are giving all players everywhere one more chance to master the blade.

Strongholds were sieged, enemies were crushed, and legends were made in the recent and successful Chivalry 2 Cross-Play Closed Beta. The Cross-Play Open Beta will be the final playable test for Chivalry 2 before its Jglobal release date. The Chivalry 2 Cross-Play Open Beta client is also scheduled to be available to pre-download across all platforms one day early on at 17:00 (CEST).
Scheduled to begin on at 17:00 (CEST) and ending on June 1 at 17:00 (CEST), the Chivalry 2 Cross-Play Open Beta will be available for free to all players on PC (via Epic Games Store), the PlayStation®4 and PlayStation®5 computer entertainment systems, the Xbox One family of devices, and the Xbox Series X|S console systems.

Immersive sound and effects ensure every blow lands with the sickening thud of steel sinking into bone.Chivalry 2 Cross-Play Open Beta Begins May 27 for PC, PlayStation®4, PlayStation®5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S Publisher Tripwire Presents and Developer Torn Banner Studios Invites Players to Experience the Ultimate Medieval Battlefield Early Across All Major Platformsĭeveloper Torn Banner Studios, publisher Tripwire Presents, and global retail publishing partner Deep Silver are excited to announce first details for the upcoming Chivalry 2 Cross-Play Open Beta program.

Enhanced player expression brings thousands of hilarious new voice-lines and deep character customization.